Others may offer their own content and services through our Services, and we aren’t responsible for those third-party activities.
By using the Services, you may encounter content or information that might be inaccurate, incomplete, delayed, misleading, illegal, offensive or otherwise harmful. TeamCulture.ai generally does not review content provided by our Members or others. You agree that we are not responsible for others’ (including other Members’) content or information. We cannot always prevent this misuse of our Services, and you agree that we are not responsible for any such misuse.
TeamCulture.ai may help connect Members offering their services (e.g., coaching, guidance, etc.) with Members seeking services. TeamCulture.ai does not perform nor employs individuals to perform these services. You must be at least 18 years of age to offer, perform or procure these services. You acknowledge that TeamCulture.ai does not supervise, direct, control or monitor Members in the performance of these services and agree that (1) TeamCulture.ai is not responsible for the offering, performance or procurement of these services, (2) TeamCulture.ai does not endorse any particular Member’s offered services, and (3) nothing shall create an employment, agency, or joint venture relationship between TeamCulture.ai and any Member offering services. If you are a Member offering services, you represent and warrant that you have all the required licenses.